How was your day? Mostly wet was mine getting soaked finding the above pretty teapot but it was worth it. Once I was dried out I got soaked again at the school pick up, oh the joys of being a working mum but I'm lucky not everyone gets to escape the office pick their kids up from school.
These are a selection of my favourite teapot maker Sadler, I'd probably walk over hot coals for a Sadler teapot. I think everyone else must feel the same way, as only the blue one remains unsold. Below are some more lovely teapots that I loved until they found new homes.
I often search on-line for teapots and look what I found that involves one of my other loves Cake! Who doesn't love cake? if you don't can I have your piece? Found via pintrest from http://www.kittyscottage.co.uk
Enjoy your evening whether you braving the wind and rain for fun and fireworks or staying in the warm with a hot cuppa. Remember, remember the 5th November and stay safe!