Well it's Monday evening and I think I've finally thawed out from my day selling at the Prospect Upmarket in Hull it was a cold one and I forgot my card board to stand on (Market traders under floor heating). Here's an early bird pic! The important start to the day Bacon and Coffee! By 9am everyone is set up and ready and customers are starting to arrive although you often see a few before as the shopping centre and shop staff often have a browse on their way to work. I spent most of the morning chasing away a thief although be it the feathered kind. But at least you know my feeders are approved. Otherwise I had a great day apart from the cold and it didn't rain until 3 pm but that doesn't bother us too much as the glass canopy from the shopping centre protect us and the customers. There's lots of other lovely stalls so if your in the area why not pop down and have a browse I'll be there again on Saturday 12th December.
Have you started your Christmas shopping yet? No me neither! there's plenty of time (I say with my fingers crossed) I'll not get any done this weekend as I'm at the Upmarket outside the prospect centre in Hull on Saturday. I have a few regular customers who it will be great to see and hope fully some new ones too. I've also promised my daughter to help her sell at a car boot on Sunday as she is raising money for an expedition to Mongolia and she's only 13 years old. I'll tell you more about that another time. But at least I can sneak off and hunt for teacups at the car boot. I must have been really wicked in a previous life to get no lie ins at the weekend. Am I be the only person who likes Mondays? Hopefully I'll share some photo's of the weekend with you but for now I'll leave you with these two sales from today which are Christmas presents for bird lovers. Teapot bird house on it's way to a new home. Teacup bird feeder quirky cottage chic.
Well I have lots of parcels arrive at my door this weekend some I've bought ready for the Christmas festivities, and some vintage china from a customer as I'm going to be creating a teacup chandelier and a teapot, teacup lamp for them. It will be going to across the pond to the U.S.A. So by time it's in it's new home the china will have done some air miles. I'm looking forward to the rest arriving so we can get stuck in and get creating. Here's the two that arrived so far. I've had some of the rose trio before, they're both beautiful though, Shame they're not mine I could have a cuppa in them! Here's a previous chandelier and a table lamp but when this custom order is finished I think it will outshine these.
Thursday my favourite day of the week because it's auction day! I often go to other auctions but this is my regular haunt, I like to get there early to have a good look around and get a parking space as close as possible, carrying my treasure can be hard work. It's great to see everyone and catch up on their news but today the coffee/snack bar wasn't open so no coffee to gossip over, I was well ready for a caffeine fix when I got home. I picked up this lovely set there today it was a six teacup set but I broke one, I'm blaming the lack of caffeine. This plate is so pretty, I'm sure I can use for one of my creations. I've not decided what will happen to the teapot yet, a lamp? a bird house? or just sell it as it is?I also got lots other bits and pieces and a old chair which will be lovely done up by a shabby chic designer. If I'm honest I'd quite like to keep it.
Well it's Tuesday already, and I'm still recovering from the weekend. I was lucky enough to have a weekend off with some family fun in the city of Birmingham. The first day was spent at the NEC for the Vintage motor show, although cars of today offer better safety and are more reliable but they just don't compare in the looks department. I wish my runabout had the interior of this car, there again a walnut dashboard may look daft in my Fiat Brava! I was in love with the steering wheel until I turned to the dark side. Although it was a family orientated weekend I did manage to sneak in some vintage treasure hunting and I found these lovely women's accessories. I think the tan leather gloves would make great driving gloves for the lovely vintage car.
Well I'm feeling a little rushed of my feet today with visitors yesterday I got behind and I'm planning a family weekend so I need to be in front. However I did manage a little mini treasure hunt, well I was passing and the shop keeper practically dragged me in. okay I'm fibbing but if the hubby asks that's what happened okay? I did spot some lovely teacups as I'm looking for a chandelier for a custom order but they were not pretty enough on the outside. I didn't come home empty handed though, I fell in love with these vintage Christmas tree ornaments especially the angel, she so unusual. Your probably thinking it's only November but your should always buy when you see it. I just last week sold these retro Christmas baubles in my Etsy store, it's lovely to find a set still in the box. I also have one of these available and I have one of my own, I just love them so much prettier and far more delicate than modern day tree toppers. Let's hope I find the right teacups tomorrow instead of coming home with other things otherwise I may have to think about moving house for more storage!
![]() How was your day? Mostly wet was mine getting soaked finding the above pretty teapot but it was worth it. Once I was dried out I got soaked again at the school pick up, oh the joys of being a working mum but I'm lucky not everyone gets to escape the office pick their kids up from school. These are a selection of my favourite teapot maker Sadler, I'd probably walk over hot coals for a Sadler teapot. I think everyone else must feel the same way, as only the blue one remains unsold. Below are some more lovely teapots that I loved until they found new homes. I often search on-line for teapots and look what I found that involves one of my other loves Cake! Who doesn't love cake? if you don't can I have your piece? Found via pintrest from http://www.kittyscottage.co.uk Enjoy your evening whether you braving the wind and rain for fun and fireworks or staying in the warm with a hot cuppa. Remember, remember the 5th November and stay safe!
Well I thought I'd do a bit on-line working tonight but if I'm not careful it will be in the dark. Although I've been shopping today I've forgotten to buy light bulbs again.! Is this just me or do you forget what you went shopping for?I must be getting old, I can't say I was distracted by pretty teacups it wasn't that kind of shop. I'm currently sitting in my office with only this to light the room. (not for sale I kept this one as the teacup fits beautifully with my office decor) Here's one I made previously and sold, I can create more but I do find it tricky to locate the right vintage lamp to use. Let's hope the bulb doesn't go in the lamp or I'll be digging out my candle stock.
I'm feeling rather excited although I've sold items overseas and created custom orders before I have had my first custom order teacup chandelier going to the USA! So as you can see I've been busy getting a few chandeliers under coated ready for the customer to choose their perfect chandelier. With custom orders I communicate continually with the customer throughout the process. A bespoke one of statement piece has to be perfect and fill the customers requirements. there's lots of things to consider 3 or 5 teacups, facing up or down, style, pattern of cups and the same for the chandelier., any added pearls or decorations. Below is a custom order I did for a young lady's bedroom using the customers teacups, we also created and teacup tea light holder/jewellery stand to match. All my chandeliers are pre loved or vintage but fully PAT tested to meet safety requirements. If you want to change your decor in the future no problem or you have an accident we can up date it with different cups. Here's a few more I made one with a matching teapot lamp. This ones mine and I use it all the time in Pretty Vintage house office.
June 2018
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